It is a very exciting time right now at the Mariposa for bird life. We have tried hard to create a welcoming environment for both resident and migratory species by planting lots of trees to provide general habitat and also specific trees for food. We have discovered, for example, that the hummingbirds just love the white flower of the marango tree (also incidentally known as the miracle tree as people can get their daily protein needs from eating the leaves – our chickens and turkeys love them) and many birds come to feast on the seeds of the chilomate and capulin trees. Learning from the experiences in the original Mariposa land we have similarly planted something in the region of 2000 more trees on the land of the study centre and already, in the first year, it is clear there is more bird life around. A particular project has been protecting an enormous tree called the panama which happens to be on municipal land right opposite the study centre. The Mariposa is currently funding the repair of a community centre on this site and we also take care of this beautiful tree. This year a family of aricaris nested there and they have since been spotted eating bananas at the Mariposa. Wonderful!!! here is one below. many thanks to Ann Tagawa for sending us some stunning pics and allowing us to use them.