Although visitors have yet to return to NIcaragua in large numbers, many tourist hotspots, including the Masaya Volcano, Laguna de Apoyo and Granada (photo above) have reopened and the country in general is in a calm state though still somewhat tense. The government is now firmly in control and the opposition soundly defeated. La Mariposa has continued to welcome the occasional student and friend to stay throughout the crisis…important less for financial reasons but keeps our spirits up. We are always ready to host individual Spanish students (though we cannot cater for just one so bring a friend!), volunteers, families and groups of up to 20.
with a campaign -THIS IS THE TIME to come to Nicaragua to
HELP US REBUILD OUR COMMUNITY with practical help on projects as well as help rebuilding relationships shattered by the crisis. In La Mariposa people of all political persuasions work with the local community together in an atmosphere of respect and dialogue.
Ideas for putting this into practice
(1) progress projects planned but suspended eg children’s communal eating area in Palo Solo
(2) complete the sustainable building project & playground for Chispa de Vida
(3) initiate new childrens project in barrios in San Juan most heavily affected by the recent political crisis where people can feel isolated from the rest of La Concha.
HELP US PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT which has also suffered from increased hunting of wildlife (birds, iguana, turtles) and tree felling as a result of the political crisis. Some ideas…
(1) develop an educational program especially for use in children’s projects
(2) continue with reforestation, improving our tree nursery with rare and threatened species of trees
(3) raise donations and grants for purchasing land as pretty much the only way especially now to preserve trees & other plants, birds, bees, frogsAs well as helping us, visitors will improve their Spanish, learn about Nicaragua (including recent history) and have some fun!
Recent tripadviser review https://www.tripadvisor.com.mx/Hotel_Review-g551472-d677852-Reviews-La_Mariposa_Spanish_School_and_Eco_Hotel-Masaya_Masaya_Department.html
I travel a lot internationally and give thought to where I head – and I have chosen to visit Nicaragua and the La Mariposa three times already this year – in April, May and July. Previous plans will keep me away in August, but I’ll likely be returning in September as well.
If you are considering visiting, remember that the nature of news is to focus on the dramatic scenes and then use them over and over which makes it seem as if the entire country is engulfed in violence 24/7. It is not and never has been (pay close attention to the dates on the media credits and you’ll see what I mean). The reality is that, in much of the country, life is going on in a usual manner and has been doing so the entire time.
No one is interested in foreigners – not in the least bit – and there is nothing that points toward this changing. This has been very much an internal struggle.
And, most importantly, the staff at the Mariposa knows what is going on – their news gathering network is a wonder to behold – and they will not allow guests to take the slightest risk.
So, on with it! There is, with the help of excellent teachers, Spanish to be learned. There is volunteer work to be done and community projects to support, there are wonderful people to meet, there are dogs to play with and horses to ride and wonderful food to eat. Go.
On a personal note – Chester is leaving the magagement team, he is worn out and rather depressed by only working with cancellations! Hopefully this will be temporary, depending on whether we can recover in Dec and Jan 2019. If we do not then we will have to close permantly.
Paulette too is hoping to take something of a break to recover from exhaustion. |
I respect your ability to continue on under these trying circumstances, Paulette. With regard to Chester, he has been a favorite of most of those staying at La Mariposa Eco-Lodge. His detailed knowledge of Nicaraguan history and culture has been a bridge from our worlds to the world of Nicaragua. Most impressive was his calm unflappable demeanor and his unwavering kindness in the manner in which he approached all things La Mariposa. I, too, hope that this is only a hiatus. He will be missed.
Thank you Steve. But not sure about my ability to continue on……..I too tried to resign this week but it is just not possible. I am severely exhausted and rather tired of crying and worrying all the time. PS Forgive my delay AGAIN on Microsoft!!!