UN NEGOCIO SUCIO – Caza y venta de animales salvajes .
There is an Englsih translation below. TENEMOS QUE ELIMINAR ESTE NEGOCIO antes de que elimínenos toda la vida salvaje. (Por su información nosotros proveemos el banano NO los negociantes!…
There is an Englsih translation below. TENEMOS QUE ELIMINAR ESTE NEGOCIO antes de que elimínenos toda la vida salvaje. (Por su información nosotros proveemos el banano NO los negociantes!…
La Mariposa has students and reservations – We have been busy with students at the Mariposa Spanish School and Eco Hotel. First a family of 5, including Cheyanne, 3 years…
I imagine most of you are enjoying holiday festivities, however you spend them! Please take a moment out to read this and reflect on whether you can help us…
Although visitors have yet to return to NIcaragua in large numbers, many tourist hotspots, including the Masaya Volcano, Laguna de Apoyo and Granada (photo above) have reopened and the…
PERMACULTURE PROJECT AT LA MARIPOSA The word “permaculture” is often associated with organic farming. Of course this is a part of it – and an important part – but…
Please sign the petition asking the President of Nicaragua to protect protected areas; https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Presidente_de_Nicaragua_Daniel_Ortega_PROTECT_WHAT_IS_LEFT_OF_THE_INDIO_MAIZ_RAINFOREST_RESERVE/ Nicaragua has suffered another environmental disaster (and there have a been many – the…
We were not just looking for a building to house our project for disabled children, Chispa de Vida, but for something connecting our project themes, in this case –…
Actualmente Tola está asociado con las playas más impresionantes del sur de Nicaragua, internacionalmente famosas por el surf. El huracán Nate golpeo fuerte y tuvimos una llamada de emergencia…
These days Tola is normally associated with south Nicaragua’s stunning beaches, internationally famous for surfing. Hurricane Nate hit hard and we got an SOS from a Mariposa ex…
Hoy sábado 8 de octubre leí sobre el huracán Nate por primera vez. Ya entrando en la boca del rio Mississippi. Aquí en Centroamérica hemos estado sufriendo los efectos…
Learn Spanish at La Mariposa in beautiful Nicaragua.