The Group Study Center is no longer available. Please contact us about other group accommodations.
Since the group study was built we have hosted many groups of high school and university students. Some have opted for a high adrenalin, eco activity program (including kayaking, zip lining, horse riding), others to do service work in the community. We can arrange for specialised volunteer placements – for example with the local health service and working with differently abled children (on our Chispa de Vida project) doing physical therapy, equino therapy and hydro therapy.
The Study Center Provides:
Accommodations: Sleep in our dormitory built from volcanic rock and bamboo, on locally made bunk beds made from sustainable wood and recycled tires (super comfortable!) or maximize your experience in the community (and your Spanish!) by opting for a homestay with a local family within walking distance of the study center.

Three Meals a Day: Enjoy meals and juices prepared on site from fresh organic food, much of the veg and fruit from our own organic farm and eggs from our free range chickens, the rest bought from local fincas and markets. We eat very little meat.

Eco-Amenities: Eat on tables made from fallen trees and take classes in rooms built with straw and recycled tires, where both the power and hot water (for your showers) are provided by solar panels.

Close Proximity to Animals & Nature: Live with some of our rescued dogs and ride on our rescued horses who live close to the Study Centre. Then relax in a locally woven hammock, enjoying the stunning location with great views over a live volcano and the lakes of Nicaragua.