Meet our amazing staff!
Since we opened in 2005 our team has grown from around 10 employees to over 70. The original idea was to try and help a community through providing sustainable employment. There is more info on our Mariposa Philosophy page.
We have a very low turn over of staff in general and those of you who come back often recognise the same faces! Most of our workers do not have specified job descriptions – they do what they are good at or interested in! Then most will help out with whatever is going on – whether repainting the building or doing a street cleaning day. On this page we introduce you to some of the workers you are likely to meet frequently but please remember there are many more who work behind the scenes – caring for horses, for example, or on community projects or on the organic veggie patch whom you may never meet but who are essential to the smooth working of La Mariposa.

The Management/Administration Team

Has been with La Mariposa since he was part of the construction team. He heads up the environmental projects, deals with building and vehicle maintenance and does a great deal of community liaison work (eg with the health center.)

Our accountant, responsible for of all the Mariposa outgoings and trying to keep costs down. She is also a superb pizza cook and an all round animal lover who cares for several of our rescued animals.

The head of the Spanish School, responsible for organizing classes and for training teachers, and handling email correspondence. He speaks English and will help you out with your bill or any problems you may have.

Works part time organizing and leading many of the activities and giving history classes. He speaks good English.

Has worked for La Mariposa for 8 years and has been the head of the kitchen and cleaning staff for the past 3 years. Her family also offer great home-stays!

Has worked with La Mariposa for 4 years and is extremely knowledgable about many aspects of environmental issues from the best trees to plant where to trying to persuade local people of the health dangers of trash in the streets.

Drivers, gardeners, animal caretakers, maintenance staff ……

Used to be a microbus driver so knows almost everyone in Nicaragua! He also likes to volunteer on our Chispa de Vida project for differently abled children as a driver. Also works on vehicle upkeep.

Has been driving for us for 5 years. Rather more reserved than most Nicaraguans he prefers to concentrate on driving, but is becoming more involved in project work. He is also an excellent electrician and plumber!

Has worked at La Mariposa for many years, feeding and caring for animals and tending the garden. He always has a smile for everyone and often does extra jobs for anyone who needs help – here he joins in with making pinatas to raise funds for Chispa de Vida.

Has worked for many years, mostly feeding and caring for the animals housed within the Mariposa. He often works with volunteers and you need his OK to enter the cages! He also enjoys maintenance work such as painting and fixing stuff.






