Currently, as often as funds allow, we hold neighborhood sterilization clinics AND preventative care veterinary clinics, often simultaneously. We try and reach the poorer families, with increasing success. We also offer free food where animals are particularly under stress. They are, as the photos show, enormously popular and the general care of animals in La Concha has certainly gone up dramatically over the past ten years. There are still some very undernourished dogs, and indeed people, in the poorer barrios but far fewer in the more urban areas.
Sterilization Clinics
For many years, La Mariposa was able to work with World Vets in Granada. Supported by the Bridget Bardot Foundation, their vets offered sterilisation clinics free of charge. So every month we organised a day trip from a barrio taking groups of dogs and cats and then returning them to their owners. Sadly this option no longer exists.
World Vets in Granada Returning sterilised pets home
Now we pay around $400 per day (vets salary plus medicines) to do the operations within La Mariposa or in one of the barrios. The clinics pictured below were held in a cabin at La Reserva. Our dedicated vets operate on an average of 80 dogs over two days.
Vets Sergio & Tereza prep their patients Members of La Mariposa team assist Recovery Room
Preventative Care Clinics
The preventive health care clinics offer anti parasite meds and vitamins, as well as consultations and treatments for sick animals. We also suggest that people come to us if they need future help.
Clinics at La Reserva
As well as clinics out in the poorer, more remote barrios, we use our Reserva location in San Juan and advertise the clinics around La Concha. This one (photos below) was held in March 2019 and brought in over 400 dogs for preventive care!
Patients in line Staff distribute routine treatments
Also brought in for various reasons were cats, horses, two doves and a turkey. A pet duck was so thin that I persuaded the owner to sell her to me so she now lives with our other ducks!
Spoilt rabbit Horse with a neck injury and I buy a duck…..
Clinics in San Caralampyo
This is a relatively urban barrio and dogs are generally well cared for.
Waiting area
Clinic in Palo Solo
Palo solo on the other hand, is a very poor rural barrio and here we encounter dogs that are much thinner and some in pretty bad shape. You can see how the dogs below left differ from those pictured above. However, the beauty in the middle is from the same area and clearly well nourished!
Sterilised pets recovering Free Food