The Panama Project provides English classes to school children in the Panama Barrio in order to increase future economic opportunities for youth growing up in a very poor, disadvantaged area.
The Panama barrio is a rural community situated close to Volcano Masaya. The proximity to volcanic fumes and debri affects many aspects of daily life, including the type of vegetation farmers are able to grow, access to enough, uncontaminated water, and the use of specialized roofing materials to withstand erosion. When La Mariposa learned about the children struggling to gain a good education in spite of growing up without enough resources in such harsh conditions, we were inspired to help! To learn more about the origin of the Panama project, see the history of the projects page.
We eco built (using mainly bamboo) a classroom using a piece of land leased to us by a local family who greatly support the project. Helping us with the actual construction was an amazing group of high school kids from Canada.
Though initially designed for younger kids to give them a head start, the project has proved to be hugely popular with all age groups and as soon as possible, we have plans to expand the classroom availability.
Proud students Classes underway! Volunteers welcome
Teachers: Mariliya Juan and Delesca